The Three Branches of The Exhibition

  Environmental Melancholia: A term coined by Psychosocial Researcher, Renee Lertzman, who is the author of Environmental Melancholia: Psychological Dimensions of Engagement. It is an arrested state of mourning related to overlapping events of environmental destruction. Put simply, it happens when “deaths” around the world or locally are not properly mourned. It also happens when time … Continue reading The Three Branches of The Exhibition

Psychology and Art: A Necessary Partnership For a Better World

Despite the brevity of our lifespans, humans collectively are changing the face, and fate, of the planet’s species. Be it runaway pollution, our contribution to rising global temperatures, or the fervent gobbling of resources to feed our manic hunger for “progress,” we are manipulating the efficient ecological balance that took millions of years to evolve. … Continue reading Psychology and Art: A Necessary Partnership For a Better World